Cleanse Me Baby!
Well, I have been sick all week and still feel like crap. I thought that by it being Friday, I would feel better, just because the weekend was here and I would get out of this cramped little office for two days. But, no...I still feel like my head is going to explode from all the pressure and my usualy soft female voice has been replaced by a deep raspy, nasal tone that oddly sounds sexy to a couple of guys at work. Aside from it being a short week (thank you MLK and my government job) it has been one of the suckiest in awhile. Just the usual really, too much to do, too many meetings, my desk is a mess and the big boss man has been his usual tryant self but add all that to the way I feel and you got one hell'uva bad week. Oh yeah, don't forget this diet I'm on...only adding to my misery. I like Strawberrie have been trying to lose a few lbs (summer and lake weather will be here before we know it) more like about 20 lbs...but who's counting? I am dammit! I'm counting every day that I get on that scale and the number doesn't move down, not even one ounce! It is so frustrating, you would think that after nearly 3 weeks on the ultra low carb/good carb "South Beach Diet" I would have taken off the standard 8-13 lbs that they promise you in the book. No, I've been stuck at a 7 lb loss for about 3 days and it is utterly frustrating. So, this has got me to think of other ways to quickly drop lbs when I think I heard the perfect plan on the radio the other day. It's called the "Master Cleanser Diet." Anyone heard of it? I works like this, you drink at least 6, 8 ounce glasses of the "lemonade" a day and eat nothing else. You can drink more if you want but once you see what it is made out of, I doubt you'll be asking for more. It has squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper and natural maple syrup in it. Sounds delish, right? Well, this just might be my ticket to my itsy bitsy bikini this summer...I mean, I don't have to eat and I LOVE lemonade, so what could be so hard about it? Oh did I forget to mention that I have also started training for a mini marathon on March 30? Yeah, can you see me trying to run 4 miles with only lemon juice, pepper and syrup in my system? That is a trip to the hospital just waiting to happen. It is stated that this "lemonade" will cleanse you off all that ails you...including unwanted fat, so I may just have to forgo my marathon training for a week and give it a try.
I know that a "quick fix" is usually not the way to go but, I am not usually a patient person...I want what I want, when I want it. Don't make me wait any longer than necessary and 3 months is too damn long to lose 20 freakin' lbs! So, I may just go shopping over the weekend and give this lemonade thing a try. Anyone heard of it or ever tried it? I know its been around forever and I'd love to hear some real-life experiences. Can I do this one week AND maintain my sanity? Will I lose 10 lbs in a week? Please just don't tell me that you ended up in the emergency room on IV fluids!
I know that a "quick fix" is usually not the way to go but, I am not usually a patient person...I want what I want, when I want it. Don't make me wait any longer than necessary and 3 months is too damn long to lose 20 freakin' lbs! So, I may just go shopping over the weekend and give this lemonade thing a try. Anyone heard of it or ever tried it? I know its been around forever and I'd love to hear some real-life experiences. Can I do this one week AND maintain my sanity? Will I lose 10 lbs in a week? Please just don't tell me that you ended up in the emergency room on IV fluids!
At 12:43 PM,
ME said…
Cheat? Who Me???? Nah, I'm not the cheatin'
Seriously, I haven't cheated, except on Strawberrie's b-day when I HAD to have the margaritas, and tacos and pizza! But, hey I was's only once that your best friend turns 29, right?
Thanks for the encouragement though...7 down, 13 more to go!
At 2:22 PM,
John Q. Public esq. said…
well add some rum and I could run it as the cocktail of the week...
other than that, wouldnt eating ex-lax do the same 10 pound drop with less pain and a great chance to catch up on reading?
At 2:48 PM,
ME said…
Yeah John, I suppose it would but this "lemonade" is suppose to have all your body needs to survive...unlike Ex-Lax, I would think. It is labeled as having these natural healing effects, but who am I kidding, I just want to drop the lbs already! Wouldn't mind catching up on my reading though and haven't tried Ex-Lax yet...
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rainbow-Bright Hope you fell this fit into your blog this post It has been estimated that almost two-thirds of otolaryngology (ORL) patients with laryngeal and voice disorders have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GER, GERD) as the primary cause, or as a significant etiologic cofactor (1). This appears to be true for patients with diverse clinical manifestations, and table 1 lists the most common symptoms and diagnoses that have been reported to be related to GERD (2). Thus, GERD appears to be the single most common cause of voice disorders.Heart burn can be a sign of the beginning of Acid Reflux Disease.To read more on ##keyword## at Acid Reflux Food
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rainbow-Bright facts on your health Acid Reflux Disease, I hope you like thistopic here . Gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD, or acid reflux, is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up, or refluxes) into the esophagus.I have suffered from this myself The liquid can inflame and damage the lining of the esophagus although this occurs in a minority of patients.Anyone who has also suffered from acid reflux knows the pain one feels.I have a site about this at Acid Reflux Disease. Anyway enjoyed your site will return soon.
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